The Starlight Adventure “Live”

Op zondagmiddag 23 oktober vond de eerste integrale uitvoering plaats van JP’s – inmiddels veel geprezen – nieuwe album “The Starlight Adventure”, in Het Patronaat in Haarlem. Met de voltallige albumband o.l.v. pianist/producer Rob van Donselaar. Het was een heerlijk optreden, geweldige muzikanten, geweldige sfeer. Natuurlijk ruim gelardeerd met flarden ‘storytelling’: het verhaal over het […]

Stendhal Sonata

On August 26 a second JP single was released: “Stendhal Sonata”, the overture to the new album, due out on September 30. “The Starlight Adventure” forms a classic song cycle, co-written with producer Rob van Donselaar. Artist Jehudi van Dijk made a wonderful animation clip for the opening track, click here for the video… Photo […]

Pickin’ Up Some Lovely Old Stuff!

Here’s the Spotify Link to my first new single in 5 years: Pickin’ up the Pieces! Produced & co-created by Rob van Donselaar. Martijn van Agt guitars, Martijn Bosman drums, Hein Offermans bass guitar, Rob van Donselaar keyboards & Denise van Donselaar background vocals. Get acquainted with the exciting atmosphere of the new album, which […]

The Starlight Adventure

JP’s nieuwste cd kwam tot stand in nauwe samenwerking met pianist/componist/producer Rob van Donselaar. In het prille begin van de eerste corona lockdown besloten zij om liedjes te gaan schrijven voor een album, waarin Rob’s piano centraal moest komen te staan: vandaar de prominente plaats van het instrument op de cover. Klik hier om de […]

JP & Private Life: Playtime remastered

Vanaf vandaag op de streamingdiensten… Wout de Kruif digitaliseerde voor Red Bullet het tweede album van ‘JP & Private Life’: ‘Playtime’ (1981). Mijn wisselende begeleidingsband uit de 80-er jaren werd op die LP door opvallend veel leden van progrock groep Solution bevolkt: Tom Barlage (saxofoon), Willem Ennis (keyboards(, Hans Waterman (drums) en Harry Hardholt (gitaar) […]

Remastering Heartbeat

JP & Private Life was the name of a loose bunch of excellent musicians, that in the early eighties gathered around singer/songwriter JP Den Tex.  Roughly every two years they recorded an album and usually did a small tour after the release to promote it. The core of this incidental band was formed by bass […]

The Attraction (1978)

As of today, Friday August 27 2021, the album Cinecittà – from JP’s former band The Attraction – will be available on streaming services. The Attraction was a Dutch band, that operated in the late seventies. First there was Another Roadside Attraction, an acoustic folky foursome that played small venues, consisting of leadsinger Emile Den […]

De Vertalingen

Kees Prins, Paul de Munnik en JP den Tex – ooit eerder samen ‘on the road’ met de theatershow “Op Weg Naar Huis” (2007) – vertaalden 20 iconische Amerikaanse popsongs. Liedjes van Bob Dylan, Joni Mitchell, Lou Reed, Tom Waits, Robbie Robertson en Neil Young. In “De Vertalingen” onthullen ze het verborgen verhaal achter elk […]

Life After Corona

Today we’re almost one year into the pandemic – and it looks like we’re still only halfway through. But our – still very comfortable –  ‘western’ lives are not only threatened by the pandemic. There’s also stifling inequality and a climate catastrophe looming in the distance. So never waste a good crisis, as very wise […]

Reissue JP 80-ies pop

Through the years folks have been asking for this 80-ies JP Den Tex pop sampler! Although young Den Tex may still be looking for a voice here, the songs on ‘Hungry Years (1980-1986)’ already stand out because of their songwriting and storytelling qualities, taking us back to JP’s boho years. Love gone awry (on A […]